Monday, January 9, 2012

Madonna Is a Woman, Not a Test Mouse!

This woman is not a test mouse.
A hilarious interview, roughly a year old, is surfacing involving Madonna and a Hungarian newspaper.

The questions by the newspaper go like this:

"Are you a bold, hussy woman that feasts on men who are tops?" and "How many Hungarian men have you dated in bed?"

Examples of Madonna's answers include: "I am a woman, not a test mouse." and "Carlos is an everyday person who is in the orbit of a star who is being muscle trained by him, not a sex machine."

It turns out the interview was translated back and forth between English and Hungarian several times, so what was actually said was lost in the translations. At least I really, really hope so.

Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish blog for alerting everyone to this. To hear a reading of the entire video, listen to the YouTube clip below, taken from the French and Saunders show on BBC2. No video to watch, except for a picture of the two hosts, but listen, you will laugh out loud, guaranteed. I wish all my interviews went like that.

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